The Herb & Spice is Proud to be a part of
My Main Street
Check out all the new changes!
Building It!
We are pleased to announce we’ve begun work on all new shelving! The Herb & Spice is excited to move forward to a new aesthetic, to better match our friends and neighbours all around beautiful Bank Street. Thanks to the good people at My Main Street, we’ll be able to swiftly implement our vision for a new Herb & Spice, with a new design we are sure our customers will love as much as we do!
Imagine It!
Thanks to this grant, our team has been hard at work installing gorgeous brand-new shelving that is more accessible for all of our customers. All of our new shelves are stylish, but more importantly- shorter! No more reaching for that bottle of oil all the way at the top! Check out our friends at the Canadian Urban Institute and see all the good work they do for people like us!
Living It!
Due to this development incentive, we’ve been able to allocate these funds to much-needed renovations. Come visit us, and see all the changes for yourself! A warm thank you to the Federal Economic Development Agency for all the work they do to make things like this happen!
My Main Street
My Main Street is a Government of Canada investment through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) to foster the stabilization and revitalization of main streets across southern Ontario.
My Main Street encourages growth and economic prosperity on main streets across southern Ontario by driving business and creating vibrancy in local communities.
This project is supported by the My Main Street program, the Canadian Urban Institute, and the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)